Hi! I'm Harsh

I'm a 4th year undergraduate studying Electronics and Communication Engineering at the Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering New Delhi.

As a developer, I enjoy bridging the gap between design and functionality and have good knowledge of front-end web technologies.

I've worked on numerous front-end projects, and all are available on my GitHub account. The most significant ones are shown below.

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Explore my work


A full-stack MERN eCommerce application. It includes a user authentication system that allows users to add and edit items in the shopping cart, review orders. It is integrated with PayPal for payments.

Tech Stack- React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB.

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Game of Code
Game of Code

Developed the Game of Code, an intra-college challenge series website for DSC Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering as a developer team member.

Tech Stack- HTML5/CSS3, Bootstrap4, Javascript.

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Contact Keeper
Contact Keeper

A full-stack MERN Contacts keeper application allows user to manage their contacts.The user can register/login to an account and will be able to create, keep, filter, update or delete them.

Tech Stack- React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB.

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DevcommunX is a full-stack eCommerce application built with React, Sanity, and Stripe. Features include a shopping cart with stripe to manage payments, products, shipping rates, and the entire checkout process.

Tech Stack- Next.js, Sanity, Stripe.

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GitHub Finder

React application to search Github users and show profile details and repos. It uses Context API along with the useContext and useReducer hooks for state management.

Tech Stack- HTML5/CSS3,React Router,Hooks and Context API.

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BVEST 2021

Developed and designed the website for BVEST 2021, a technical fest of Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering Delhi, as the head of the web development team.

Tech Stack- HTML5/CSS3, Bootstrap4, Javascript.

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